Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers (book)

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Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers is a nonfiction book authored by David L. Riegel and published by SafeHaven Foundation Press in 2000.

Is there any such thing as a "legitimate" sexual relationship between a grown man and a young boy? The premise of this book is that there is, and not only is it unjustly denied by the culture and mainstream media, but that such relationships should be promoted and encouraged, rather than denied and prevented.

The premise is that the very concept of men who are emotionally and sexually attracted to boys is not, as some biased and prejudiced sources may claim, any kind of mental illness or pathology, but rather a sexual orientation that is right up there in commonality as adult homo- or hetero- sexuality. And therefore the man/boy relationships that result from this orientation are just as natural as other relationships that result from other sexual orientations.