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From BoyWiki

Welcome to BoyWiki
Preserving your history, culture, and heritage!




What is BoyWiki?

BoyWiki is an exciting opportunity for us, as boylovers, to record and preserve our own history, culture, and heritage. If it's of interest to boylovers, it belongs on BoyWiki, so feel free to explore what we have to offer: you can read anything on the site without signing up, and most entries are freely redistributable under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

Once you're ready to contribute to the many articles here, all you need to do is create a free account. Any registered user can make changes and create new pages immediately. You don't need to have any experience in making Web sites or writing HTML: it's as easy as making a post on your favorite message board.

Be sure and check out the help pages for a software manual and a list of frequently asked questions, and browse the modest collection of existing articles. Remember, if you can't find something you hoped to see here, you can write a little about it. Others who are interested in the same subject will join in and expand your new article. You can navigate through our categories starting from Portal:Index. We hope to have a large collection of encyclopedic, entertainment, and life articles in no time!

Featured articles

Did you know...

  • … that BL Talk is a podcast started by boylovers, to discuss the issues of importance to MAPs in general, and boylovers in particular.
  • … that MEDAL is an activist organization of Minor-Attracted Persons (MAPs). Their goal is a world where MAPs can live freely without being judged for their orientation and without obstacles from society, have their autonomy respected, have equal rights, and achieve their dreams.

  • … that Penzance is a novel written by ES James and published in 2023.
  • … that A Dangerous Love by Stephen Nicholson and edited by Edmund Marlowe (author of Alexander's Choice) was released on November 10, 2023 by the publisher Arcadian Dreams. It is a memoir which gives an account of his life as a boylover.

  • … that is a community resource oriented towards providing advice for boylovers seeking better security and privacy practices whilst abiding by laws of their local jurisdictions.

  • … that My Love Is Like All Lovely Things is a 2023 anthology by C. Caunter of the work of one of history's major boy-love poets, Edwin Emmanuel Bradford, which includes exhaustive analysis of his life and work.

Word of the month

Criminal class

Related websites

Greek Love Through the Ages - Great source of information

NewgonWiki, the information center for the MAP Movement and community.

Biden gives clemency to "kids-for-cash" judge
President Biden gives clemency to a true monster.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, January 3, 2025
ink=(Boylove Book Reviews) - A review of Dancing with Finn by Frank Demelzi
ink=(Boylove Book Reviews) - A review of Dancing with Finn by Frank Demelzi
A review of Dancing with Finn by Frank Demelzi
Arcadian Dreams has just published Dancing with Finn, a collection of six stories by Dutch author Frank Demelzi. Demelzi combines page-turning storytelling with meticulous attention to style and symbolism. This collection marks his debut in English, with translations he helped prepare.
Edmund Marlowe , Greek Love Through the Ages, September 11, 2024

Fantastic new resource, The Boylove Library
An impressive new asset for the online BL community that brings the richness of literature to our lives.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, March 23, 2024
Fawnlet Magazine

Issue #7 is now available

New Book Review by Tom O'Carroll just published
Tom O'Carroll releases stinging new review of "Sexual Violence Against Children in Britain Since 1965: Trailing Abuse by Nick Basannavar".
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, September 26, 2023

  • Help wanted: BoyWiki is currently looking for people interested in writing for Boylove News, no experience required, will train. Areas of interest can include: Current Events, entertainment, community events and news, sex offender registry reform as well as other areas of interest. Contact

*Please donate!!! Boy Wiki fundraising.

We need 40 dollars for domain name renewal.
Also, please feel free to make a donation to Free Spirits at any time.

Related chat websites

Looking for a place to chat, try BoyChat

Boylandonline (BLOL) is an online forum for Boylovers who seek support, discussion, fellowship.
Duration: 23 minutes and 23 seconds.
Your Orientation According to Your YF
Many boys think of their adult friends as being straight, while some believe (or know) that their AF is gay, and some even know that he is a BL.
PANEL: aboysXO, Dragonlover
TIME: 23:22

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of BoyWiki or Free Spirits

Today's featured image: March 20, 2025

Young boy running in the snow / Pierre-Édouard Frère. – 1858. – Oil on canvas – (Private coll.).

Pierre Édouard Frère (Paris 10 January 1819 – 23 May 1886 Écouen), French painter, studied under Paul Delaroche, entered the École des Beaux-Arts in 1836 and exhibited first at the Salon in 1843.

Content listings

BoyWiki languages

  • We currently have 2,155 articles on the English language BoyWiki.
  • And more than 1,600 articles in French and German.