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From BoyWiki
Monday, March 24, 2025


Biden gives clemency to "kids-for-cash" judge
President Biden gives clemency to a true monster.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, January 3, 2025

New Book Review by Tom O'Carroll just published
Tom O'Carroll releases stinging new review of "Sexual Violence Against Children in Britain Since 1965: Trailing Abuse by Nick Basannavar".
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, September 26, 2023

Jean-Claude Féray 1948-2022 obituary
Jean-Claude Féray, the man behind French publishing house Quintes-feuilles and an author himself, has died at the age of 74.
December 5, 2022.

A review of The Myrtle and the Rose by Annie Messina
Il mirto e la rosa by Italian author Annie Messina, writing under the pen name Gamîla Ghâli, was published by Sellerio in Palermo in 1982. It was translated from the Italian by Jessie Bright as The Myrtle & the Rose, published by Italica in New York in 2009.
Edmund Marlowe , Greek Love Through the Ages,
August 27, 2022

Interview with Edmund Marlowe about his most recent projects
Edmund Marlowe breathes new life into the works of author Michael Davidson.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, July 11, 2022

Fantastic new resource, The Boylove Library
An impressive new asset for the online BL community that brings the richness of literature to our lives.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, March 23, 2024

A review of Dancing with Finn by Frank Demelzi

Arcadian Dreams has just published Dancing with Finn, a collection of six stories by Dutch author Frank Demelzi. Demelzi combines page-turning storytelling with meticulous attention to style and symbolism. This collection marks his debut in English, with translations he helped prepare.
Edmund Marlowe , Greek Love Through the Ages, September 11, 2024

A review of You Can Be A King If You Are Brave by Peter Thomas Wolfe
You Can Be A King If You Are Brave is the gripping story of Adam Townsend from his adolescence in Australia of the 1970s until his time as a foreign aid worker in Rangoon in the 1990s, though it is in some ways almost two different stories, since the intervening years are covered very quickly. In both stories he has a Greek love affair: in the first as a boy of fourteen with a man, and in the second as a man with a boy of fourteen.
Edmund Marlowe , Greek Love Through the Ages,
March 1, 2023

Sextortion on the rise
*It's all about the money!
by Staff Writer - December, 22, 2022

In the last 14 days

Popular interest

In a first for Florida, a Central Florida prosecutor is seeking the death penalty for a man charged with raping a child. The pursuit of capital punishment comes after lawmakers passed and Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law a measure allowing the death penalty for those convicted of sexually battering children under the age of 12.
(Staff reporter, USA TODAY Network, December 15, 2023)
Kayden Koshelev hopes young actors of all identities aren't afraid to shine.
(Daniel Villarreal, LGBTQ Nation, Fecuary 20, 2024)
YouTube links:

A new Florida bill allowing capital punishment for those committing sexual battery on children under 12 cleared the state’s rules committee this week and is now heading to the full Senate.
(Lorenz Duchamps, NTD, April 14, 2023)
Follow Up
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Monday allowing Florida to impose the death penalty on those convicted of sexual battery against children younger than 12.
(Yacob Reyes, MSN, May 1, 2023)
Twenty years ago, the justices deemed registration nonpunitive, accepting unsubstantiated assumptions about its benefits and blithely dismissing its costs.
( Jacob Sullum, Reason.com, March 1, 2023)
You're more likely to be struck by a meteor than to have your kid abducted by a stranger.
(Lenore Skenazy, Reason, September 9, 2022 )
Newly released records show two police officers were suspended without pay after berating a 5-year-old boy who had walked away from his elementary school, calling him a 'shepherd of the devil' and threatening him with a beating.
(Joseph Michalitsianos, Daily Mail, September 4, 2022 )
Two Pennsylvania judges who orchestrated a scheme to send children to for-profit jails in exchange for kickbacks were ordered to pay more than $200 million to hundreds of children who fell victim to their crimes.
(CBS News, August 17, 2022 )

In other news

Nex Benedict — a nonbinary, Native American, 16-year-old sophomore — was reportedly beaten to death on February 7 by three older female students in the bathroom of Owasso High School in Oklahoma. The school refused to call an ambulance for the injured teen and didn’t inform police of the attack until Benedict was later admitted into the hospital — they died from their injuries the next day.
(Jorge Martinez , LGBTQ Nation, July 10, 2023)
A unicorn costume, a hammer and a belief that pedophiles are using public schools to destroy democracy: The trial of David DePape for attacking Paul Pelosi was strange and disturbing.
(Anita Chabria, Los Angeles Times, November 24, 2023)
Lee confronted two teenagers Friday night – a 17- and 18-year-old – at a restaurant in Pontiac. He accused one of being a pedophile and punched him, according to the police news release. (Jessica Xing and Zoe Sottile, CNN, October 1, 2023)
A young black boy has made an impassioned speech about racism at an Oregon city council meeting after he experienced discrimination at school. Gavin Alston, 10, bravely spoke up in the room full of adults and told council members how unfair it was that kids called him a 'monkey' and the N-word in his fourth grade class.
(Claudia Aoraha, Daily Mail, June 16, 2023)
Five Proud Boys, armed with a semi-automatic rifle and a handgun, intimidated children and parents attending a monthly all-ages drag event inside a wine and tea shop in Salt Lake City, Utah on January 20. The event’s organizers have temporarily paused all future performances to plan a response and ways to ensure attendees’ safety.
( Daniel Villarreal, LGBTQ Nation, Febuary 1, 2023)
Long before QAnon and Pizzagate reared their heads, another element supposedly dedicated to protecting children has been doing more harm than good. Namely, vigilante outfits that take the law into their own hands to track down suspected pedophiles. More often than not, their tactics cross the line into cyberbullying or worse. In the process, these vigilantes make prosecuting their targets difficult, if not impossible—even when there is clear evidence of wrongdoing.
(Darrell Lucus, 2022 ,Daily Kos, July 6, 2022 )

That's just insane

A bill to give judges the discretion to punish individuals who sexually assault a child with surgical castration advances from Senate Judiciary C. Baton Rouge Senator Regina Barrow’s bill allows for the sentencing of surgical castration if the victim is under the age of 13.
(Brooke Thorington, Louisiana Radio Network, March 26, 2024)
She said that dozens of schools are full of furries and that she even had to move to get away from them.
( Alex Bollinger, LGBTQ Nation, October 3, 2022 )
The Roseburg Public School District in Oregon has had to debunk a web hoax started by an angry Facebook post that claimed that its schools were accommodating students who dress up, act like, and identify as animals.
(Daniel Villarreal, New York Post, September 29, 2022 )
EL PASO, Texas -- The EPISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously in a 7-0 vote Tuesday to allow the superintendent to begin the termination process for a Franklin High School teacher.
(Kerry Mannixt, ABC, September 6, 2022 )


to the boys from
Lake Mary, Florida
for their win in the
2024 Little League World Series

Furries are not Boylovers
Furries are not boylovers but apparently some boylovers are furries.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, February 5, 2022

What Do We Want To Teach Kids?
As schools and students attempt to stop bullying and promote inclusiveness, some parents, politicians and outsiders are doing their best to sabotage those efforts.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, November 8, 2021

  • Help wanted: BoyWiki is currently looking for people interested in writing for Boylove News, no experience required, will train. Areas of interest can include: Current Events, entertainment, community events and news, sex offender registry reform as well as other areas of interest. Contact etenne@boywiki.org

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Archive of news articles: | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 |

Fawnlet Magazine

Issue #7 is now available

Imagine Magazine

- March, 2025.

Tell the Schools that it is not a choice
Over the the last several months, numerous articles have have been published asserting that schools are teaching children as young as six or seven that they have a choice regarding their sexual orientation and gender identity. This is the absolute wrong information to be teaching children.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, December 25, 2021

Film Maker Ivan Noel Passes
The noted film maker and music composer Ivan Noel's body was found on Monday 7-19-21.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, July 19, 2021

Walker Scobell: A Star Raising
Before March 11, 2022 and the release of The Adam Project on Netflix, few people had ever heard of Walker Scobell. Now with two films released and a new series in the works, he is well on his way to becoming the crown prince of streaming television.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, August 14, 2022

Youth: Sexual and Gender Awareness and Self-Awareness
Can the cat be put back into the bag or is it already to late?
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, July 25, 2022

Kids, watch out for cars on Halloween
What dangers really do lurk in the darkness?
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, October 7, 2022
Updated November 1, 2022

Rebranding Homophobia
The assault on sexual and gender minority children.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, March 7, 2022

Another Law Based on Fear and Lies
Pennsylvania state Rep. Rob Matzie, D-Ambridge plans to introduce legislation within the next few weeks making it difficult for some of the states most vulnerable citizens, aging and ailing convicted sex offenders to enter long-term care facilities.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, January 16, 2022

Were they Warned?
Fear mongering news reporters once again have distracted us from the real danger.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, November 1, 2021

The Gingerbread House Myth

With Halloween again approaching, police around the country are again trying to protect Hansel and Gretel from the Wicked Old Witch known as, "the sex offender".
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, October 17, 2021

So who is this Christian Convery everyone is talking about?
Everything that we know about young Christian Convery so far.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, October 10, 2021

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