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Those papers should be of interest to you, as they contain info relevant to your posts on BC as well as BoyWiki articles. I am not really asking anything...
*[[BoyWiki:Etenne's Palaestra]]

EJ801193.pdf describes who benefits from pedosteria, and quotes from the other materials I linked to.
The_Cost_of_Homophobia discusses the suffering of gays from homophobia, and closely parallels pedo's problems - you can substitute "pedo" for "homosexual" in much of the article and it describes our problems exactly.
Interesting pic here. Maybe you can track down the artist?
I call it, "Child with flower" but that is surely not it's real name.
[[User:User4|User4]] 16:08, 6 March 2014 (GMT)
BTW... there free are tools on the Web which (supposedly) take HTML markup and convert it to Wiki markup.
Check the links here:
I don't know if they work, how well they work, etc. You'll have to try them. They might make some of your "conversions" easier.
Hope you are feeling better.
Don't take certain stuff too seriously, OK? ;-)
[[User:User4|User4]] 04:17, 7 March 2014 (GMT)

This one is quite cool and seems to work
--[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] 13:08, 8 March 2014 (GMT)
RE: HTML to WIKI markup translation:
I don't see it working at all - I tested it on some HTML, and it did nothing. Maybe javascript being disabled in my browser is the problem? When you tested it, did you ''really'' notice changes made to the text you entered in the "to convert" field? I didn't see any.
RE: Witch Hunt in UK
... that you posted about.
If you look at the other articles the author has published, it is clear that she is a demented "child saver" (she has a 15-year-old girl to "protect").
I wonder if Sonia Poulton could be educated in the facts about CL? Perhaps she should be contacted by someone knowledgeable, and made aware of a few things? Could Bernie do that?
Oh - one more thing. Did you recently get an email from me? Please confirm if you did or did not. You may choose to ignore my emails - that's your prerogative, and OK with me(?), but I ''would'' like to know if someone ''else'' is intercepting and deleting email sent to you. If so, I won't bother to email you any more.
[[User:User4|User4]] 13:19, 9 March 2014 (GMT)


Yes, when I tried it, it worked fine and changed the text from HTML to Wiki markup.
==To all users==
It would be a good idea to review this

Re: Sonia Poulton... You can't have a discussion with these types of fanatics. Pas vaut la peine.
In short, the neutrality of point of view leads to an objective, "scientific" discourse, whereas non-neutrality leads to one-sided views and propaganda.

An important point is perhaps to understand that specific sympathies are not incompatible with a neutral point of view: you can like a country, a person, an amorous preference, and nevertheless be able of an objective discourse about it.

Yes, I got your email but that is one thing you should know about me. I am slow to respond, I don't like writing letters, or talking on the phone. I use to have a house phone but it was a waste because I refused to answer the thing. I do respond to my email, it just takes me a long time because I need to be really bored and in the mood.
Only objectivity is credible. That's why it is vital for BoyWiki. We don't "promote", we explain and illustrate. --[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] ([[User talk:Etenne|talk]]) 12:25, 4 March 2015 (UTC)
--[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] 13:46, 9 March 2014 (GMT)

''Yes, when I tried it, it worked fine and changed the text from HTML to Wiki markup.''
That may save you a lot of time and effort, not to mention ''headaches'', no?
Uh, so, hmm... 'you're welcome'? Sheesh...
[[User:User4|User4]] 21:01, 9 March 2014 (GMT)

'''Please ask yourself before hitting the post button'''

I will let you know when I actually use it for something if it makes my life more enjoyable, fulfilled, and meaningful  P~
# '''Dose this have a cultural or historical [[BoyWiki:Relevance policy|relavance to boylove]]?'''
# '''By posting this are you going to make Etenne lose sleep?'''
So how are you coming along on learning to wiki?
--[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] 11:15, 10 March 2014 (GMT)
''So how are you coming along on learning to wiki?''
I'm in the middle of a ''lot'' of other things which are more important to me at this point. So many articles at BW need work that I don't really know where to begin. Of course, the place to start that is probably the most important is to make editing ''easy'' for new "scribes". I started that, but then got distracted by the other things I am working on elsewhere. Good, important stuff IMHO. Sorry about that. P~
''I will let you know when I actually use it for something if it makes my life more enjoyable, fulfilled, and meaningful  P~''
You do that, OK? Like, I know you can't 'foresee the future' on the usefulness of that tool. P~
[[User:User4|User4]] 21:01, 2 March 2214 (GMT)
You should check this out:
WYSIWYG means "what you see is what you get"
If you can install this, editing should be a breeze for new editors.
OK, OK - now for your excuses about "I can't because... It is too difficult because... I don't want to because... etc. etc.
Come on, dude - if you had this, then new "scribes" (gawd, how I ''hate'' that term!) would be able to quickly and easily edit BW pages.
Now, tell me how ''that'' would not be useful! P~
Now I'm back to looking for an "online wiki WYSIWYG editor" because waiting for BW pages to re-load is ''so so so fucking slow''!
[[User:User4|User4]] 20:28, 17 March 2014 (GMT)
There is also this:
... but it needs javascript enabled in your browser, which some do not like.
And this:
Create and format a document in Word as before, choose File – > Save As and select MediaWiki* under file types. Word will now convert and save the document in Wiki style markup. The add-in is supported on Microsoft Office Word 2007 and Office 2010.
... and this:
Alternatively, you can use any HTML editor – like Dreamweaver or Live Writer – and then convert your HTML tags into Wiki markup using that HTML to WIKI markup tool I introduced
[[User:User4|User4]] 19:26, 17 March 2014 (GMT)
What we need is this:
An "editing help" file that can be kept open in another tab or window, which has the possible markup in a TOC with a link to the section describing it, and a "return" link to the TOC.
Or do we have that already?
(... 5 minutes later)
I just went looking for "editing help". I know you gave me info on it, but I don't remember where. I tried under the [[help]] category, but it is not there. I checked under [[special categories]] but it is not there. I'm sure I can find it, but let me tell you - the average "scribe" would give up much sooner than I would! And then you'd be left with "one less scribe". People don't want to go on wild-goose chases. They want things easy to find, readily accessible, at their fingertips.
That is what wiki software is supposed to do!!!
Why doesn't BW work that way?

(... 5 minutes later)
== To all BoyWiki users:Naming ==

I found what I had added:
The convention for naming pages is that articles should be singular whereas categories should be plural.
*Names of topics and topic categories should be singular, normally corresponding to the name of a BoyWiki. article. Examples: "Law" (which represents a body of knowledge), "France", "George W. Bush".  

I'll guess at a correct link:
*Names of set categories should be plural. Examples: "Writers", "Villages in Poland".

However, I am willing to hear counter arguments  to this practice or suggestions before deciding what the policy should be --[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] ([[User talk:Etenne|talk]]) 13:17, 25 March 2015 (UTC)

(NOTE: If I had what I'm talking about, I would not NEED to guess.)
:Just yesterday I noticed that Wikipedia has categories with a singular title, e.g. [[wikipedia:Category:Vagina]]. Also, there are some plural article titles, e.g.[[wikipedia:Jews]]. [[User:Lysander|Lysander]] ([[User talk:Lysander|talk]]) 15:13, 25 March 2015 (UTC)
It needs to have the extraneous info removed (Egyptian characters? We are unlikely to need those), put the markup code within the text, then have a "back to TOC" link for each one.
[[User:User4|User4]] 12:49, 18 March 2014 (GMT)

::You can't figure out what those two (obvious, at least, to me) errors are due to? Uh... You certainly make up in glibness what you lack in perspicacity. [[User:User4|User4]] ([[User talk:User4|talk]]) 02:37, 26 March 2015 (UTC)
:::Enlighten me. [[User:Lysander|Lysander]] ([[User talk:Lysander|talk]]) 03:16, 26 March 2015 (UTC)
::::Hey! You didn't enlighten me about what those two errors are due to. [[User:Lysander|Lysander]] ([[User talk:Lysander|talk]]) 04:10, 28 March 2015 (UTC)
I am not sure what you are asking. If you are asking if you can create a link to a section  on a different page you can [[MORE JUNK #History]] or [[MORE JUNK #History| This is a link to a section]].
You have been adding a lot of stuff, perhaps it time you start to put it together into a complete page?
--[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] 10:10, 19 March 2014 (GMT)
<BLOCKQUOTE>I am not sure what you are asking. If you are asking if you can create a link to a section  on a different page you can [[MORE JUNK #History]] or [[MORE JUNK #History| This is a link to a section]].</BLOCKQUOTE>
Great! Now, how do you make a link to go BACK to the place the link started - like Wikipedia does in its references?
I tried to figure out how they do it. Not very successfully...
<nowiki><code>HTML version
<code><a name="anchor">REF ONE</a>
<code><a ref="TextFormattingRules#anchor">
<code><a name="BACKREFONE">BACK REF ONE</a>
<code><a ref="TextFormattingRules#BACKREFONE">
<code><nowiki>FOR WIKI:
<code>which can be referred to with any of the linking methods, per the
examples below.
<code>You can not use the minus or hypen character (i.e. "-")
in the anchor name, e.g. "[#N888_7_2_1]" works ok, while
<code>"[#N888-7-2-1]" does not
<code>Wiki link:
<a ref="TextFormattingRules#anchor">
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah *CLICK TO SKIP TO FOOTNOTE 1*
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah *CLICK TO SKIP TO FOOTNOTE 2* blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
[[User:User4|User4]] 23:24, 19 March 2014 (GMT)
Let's see. There are a number of "steps" necessary for a wiki to have good content. First, there must be the basic information, which someone has to search for and find. Then a "basic" entry must be made, then the entry has to be "prettied up" with correct wiki markup, then it must be proofread, and then it is "finished" (barring the addition of new information).
Now, which of the above steps requires a great deal of patience, skill, and (perhaps) some unusual abilities?
*Proofreading for errors?
*Prettying up the entry with markup?
*Making the "basic" entry?
*Or locating good material which could be included in the wiki?
A "technician" can do the proofreading. He can do the "prettying up". He can do all the "donkey work".
But ''finding'' the stuff for inclusion - now ''that'' takes something unusual, doesn't it? And without which, none of the "technicians" would have anything to do.
Sure - all the steps are important. But having a record of a good site with a link to it, or having some important material (even in HTML markup, or otherwise deficient) is the first (and arguably, the ''most important'') step, wouldn't you agree?
For example, someone might start a page, and include a link to an (unusual, because it is "boylove friendly") Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, then ''others'' could put descriptions of, and links to, the important, relevant articles.
N'est-ce pas? ;- )
[[User:User4|User4]] 23:24, 19 March 2014 (GMT)
If I understand what you are asking, it is possible. Look at the source of this page [[Somersault's HTML Guide]], the little hand.gif sends you back to the TOC. It's just tedious and a pain in the ass to do.
--[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] 12:13, 20 March 2014 (GMT)
It should be ''abundantly'' clear what I have been doing in the:
... (which is the one I'm working on because of an "editing conflict" error) wiki markup "help" file. I am making it so that even your everyday garden-variety idiot should be able to understand how to do common wiki markup.
How about you or another of the <strike>scribblers</strike> "scribes" here doing some work on it? There are notes in the file indicating things which need doing.
I'm tired...
One thing that needs doing quickly is moving the "special character" section to somewhere else, and fixing the tables in it, and then putting a link to the new fixed file.
In the wiki markup "help" file there should only be the most common symbols that a <strike>scribbler</strike> "scribe" would need, right?
[[User:User4|User4]] 02:53, 24 March 2014 (GMT)
BTW - I zeroed-out the contents of the entry:
because there was an "editing conflict" and I had to save the file again.
It is now superseded by the:
... which is the one I am working on now. D~
[[User:User4|User4]] 03:07, 24 March 2014 (GMT)
Some stuff I have recently saved should have links added to this page:
[[User:User4|User4]] 07:16, 24 March 2014 (GMT)
Feel free to edit [[Help:Editing]] that page need a lot of work anyways. I still need you to tell me which pages you don't need anymore like:
*[[Encylopedia of Homosexuality]] are you going to expand this page?
Uh, aside from the possible "irritation" of having some incomplete - or even unnecessary - pages sitting around, I, uh, well - what's the hurry? Like, those pages are causing some kind of harm or something?
Couldn't you just let me get to them in my own good time?
I would prefer that...
Oh, take a look at:
... and why don't you see about fixing some things in it? It is not ''that'' far from being finished, I think.
I think also that anybody new here would be ''very happy'' to have the page to refer to, even as it is now, with some junk in it... ;- )
[[User:User4|User4]] 11:01, 24 March 2014 (GMT)
If you run into an editing conflict again, just hit save a second time and it will overwrite it.
Part of the reason some of this stuff has not been updated in years is because I find writing "help pages" tedious and dull. I will try to review some of the pages but when it comes to this boring technical stuff,  it doesn't hold my attention and I really have to force myself to read this stuff. 
--[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] 12:02, 24 March 2014 (GMT)
I know that you are not a "techie" like some are. And that is fine.
In future, if someone ever asks how to make a hyperlink here, please give them this information:
<code>'''Two tags are necessary to include on a page in order to make a link on a page that can be
'''clicked on to ''another part'' of the article.'''
This is the ''first'' tag, the link to be clicked on:
In the above, only the "CLICKME" will be visible in the page display. Put whatever you want
instead of the CLICKME.
The ''following'' is the '''target''' in the article - the point that will be skipped to:
<NOWIKI><span id="CLICKME"></span></NOWIKI>
You must include whatever you used ''in the first tag'' ('''instead of''' the CLICKME) in the second tag.
The target will ''only be visible'' in ''page-edit mode''. On the displayed page it will be invisible.
If you give them the above information, it may save them time.
For example, in my case it would have saved me '''''OVER TWO HOURS''''' of mind-numbing effort. I think it cost me a few million brain neurons, too. :- )
Wait - that is only ''two hours'' of the past 5 hours.
If you include the ''other'' time spent on trying to figure this out, it would be maybe '''20 or 30''' hours. And that is '''not''' an exaggeration!
''Now back to our regularly scheduled program.''
Hoo, boy...
''C'est la vie.''
[[User:User4|User4]] 03:46, 25 March 2014 (GMT)
I can understand that. I have only been doing wiki about a year and a half myself. I had to learn everything by trial and error too.
I was playing with the new wiki all afternoon with one of the tech.guys... it's about 90 percent done.
--[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] 03:56, 25 March 2014 (GMT)
''NEW WIKI!'' Are you going to make all the work I have done ''obsolete'' so soon? Sheesh!
Oh, and let's not keep (too many) secrets from each other.
Now, come on, tell me - which new wiki software will we be using? I'd like to look it up and find all its limitations, just so I will have something ''else'' to bitch about. D~
Oh, please check:
... and be sure that I explained how to make links correctly. Thanks.
Oh - another thing - my "help file" will be a ''godsend'' for new <strike>scribblers</strike> scribes. ;- )
[[User:User4|User4]] 07:03, 25 March 2014 (GMT)
Hmm... just where IS:!
... because it is no longer on my user page. I ''deleted'' it from my user page. You up to your old tricks again, huh? ;- )
[[User:User4|User4]] 07:20, 25 March 2014 (GMT)
Since you've (apparently) got "ants in your pants" then, OK - go ahead and delete the ones currently flagged for deletion.
Happy now? ;- )
Sheesh! I'll bet your apartment is ''so clean'', you could eat off of the floor!
You can eat off of the floor of ''my'' apartment.
But not because it's so ''clean''.
See, if you ate off of ''my'' floor, you'd leave it ''cleaner'' than it ''is now''.
[[User:User4|User4]] 14:52, 25 March 2014 (GMT)
Yes, I have a very clean and orderly place P~
I am allergic to dust so I clean quite regularly... but even so, I highly recommend it. It doesn't matter how poor you are a little soap and water doesn't cost much.
I haven't deleted any pages yet, I am still working on the policy and deciding how long the discussion period should be:) This page [[SINCE NOONE WILL EXPLAIN LINKS I WILL FIGURE IT OUT - SHEESH!]] still exists and can be found here [[:Category:Articles proposed for deletion]]
I'll bet that ''even the refrigerator coils at the back of your fridge'' are spotless.
Am I right? He, he...
Uh, as for "discussion periods" for deletions - just ''who'' are you going to discuss it with? Seems to me like we're all by ourselves here.
Ooh... How romantic!

== Welcome back ==

Hmm... If I registered ''another'' nick, then I could outvote you...
I was glad to read your message on BoyChat and to see you're back. Then I thought: is there any hope left that the French BoyWiki will survive? :-/

Then I could feel right at home here, mess and all!
Bron disappeared, I don't know when, why nor where. So did the French tech Pinocchio, which is a great loss. Some rare contributors obstinately continued creating pages on the French wiki between 2015 and 2019. But now I think they are disheartened because of the recent and sudden software change, that ruined all the formatting we had made on a lot of pages (thanks to Pinocchio's coding extensions).

Now it seems that the Council's page doesn't work anymore -- or am I wrong?

Oh, speaking of "home" - if I made you your favorite meal (and it was prepared ''perfectly'') would you help me clean up my place a little?
If you can be of some help, I'd like to write more to you through a secure mailbox.

Pretty please?
[[User:Caprineus|Caprineus]] ([[User talk:Caprineus|talk]]) 21:28, 13 June 2021 (UTC)
:I categorized all the daily pages of the French Agora, from December 7, 2008 to July 9, 2014 (most of them were difficult to find before this categorization): [ Agora]
:Now everybody can see the really tough job that had been made by many contributors of the French BoyWiki, especially by the tech Pinocchio. It is not acceptable that such a job is destroyed after every update or server change, as exposed here: [ Modifications intempestives] (written more than eight months ago – nobody even bothered to answer).
:But do French-speaking writings matter?... :-/
:[[User:Caprineus|Caprineus]] ([[User talk:Caprineus|talk]]) 13:55, 19 June 2021 (UTC)

:"But do French-speaking writings matter?" Well, I suppose that depends on who you ask. I would hope they matter to other French-speaking people and writers. I still don't have e-mail yet. Yeah, the upgrades do mess things up a bit but there is no way around that. 

Oh, drats. I knew that wouldn't work. Well, it was worth a try. :- \
::Thank you for answering.
::The true problem is: when Wikipedia runs an update of MediaWiki, all features already installed are kept and perform correctly; but when BoyWiki is updated, almost all features created by a tech are suppressed. Why?
::This is not "messing things up a bit", but destroying things a lot. :-( As I said before, when contributors see this, they are disheartened.
::I hope you can contact somebody who steps in on this wrong update process. As for me, I know nobody, and can do nothing: my only competence is to write about cultural boy-love topics. If "there is no way around" to keep my job in a good state and appearance, well... I will finally recognize that I was wrong to spend so much time and energy for it. :-(((
::[[User:Caprineus|Caprineus]] ([[User talk:Caprineus|talk]]) 22:48, 20 June 2021 (UTC)

[[User:User4|User4]] 16:09, 25 March 2014 (GMT)

== Messages from Eskimo ==
I am the king of the wiki and all my decisions are final unless I change them. Still, I like to give people the impression that their vote counts P~ '''"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others".''' - George Orwell .

--[[User:Etenne|Etenne]] 16:18, 25 March 2014 (GMT)
Hello [[User:Etenne|Etenne]]

I will be posting under this header any message I have for your consideration, I will delete old messages to make it more readable.

<blockquote>''Still, I like to give people the impression that their vote counts''</blockquote>
--[[User:Eskimo|Eskimo]] ([[User talk:Eskimo|talk]]) 12:48, 27 October 2022 (UTC)

You canucks are becoming more and more like Americans every day! Sheesh - you'd think you guys live on the same continent as the Americans do or something...
:: yes you were absolutely right, that worked. Now, any guesses on getting Extension:TimedMediaHandler to work?
[[Etenne]]  [[File:BLSmileyface.png|40 px|link=Etenne]] 20:32, 20 June 2022 (UTC)

<blockquote>'''"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others".'''</blockquote>
Hello [[User:Etenne|Etenne]]

Yeah, that's what the ''pigs'' wrote on the side of the barn. P~
Regarding getting Extension:TimedMediaHandler to work, can you post an example page or description of what the problem is? I can spend sometime on the Internet trying to track it down and report back if I find anything replicated.

--[[User:Eskimo|Eskimo]] ([[User talk:Eskimo|talk]]) 13:35, 10 August 2022 (UTC)

Enough of me trying to "fake it" as a raconteur... it tires me out. Time for a little nap.
== Categories ==

Hmm... now, where is that damned bed? It was here last night. Or at least I ''think'' it was here. I never can be quite sure about some things...
Hi Etenne, I am happy that you are happy with my work! I know that I can put pages into categories!

[[User:User4|User4]] 16:43, 25 March 2014 (GMT)

Latest revision as of 16:33, 9 January 2023


To all users

It would be a good idea to review this

In short, the neutrality of point of view leads to an objective, "scientific" discourse, whereas non-neutrality leads to one-sided views and propaganda.

An important point is perhaps to understand that specific sympathies are not incompatible with a neutral point of view: you can like a country, a person, an amorous preference, and nevertheless be able of an objective discourse about it.

Only objectivity is credible. That's why it is vital for BoyWiki. We don't "promote", we explain and illustrate. --Etenne (talk) 12:25, 4 March 2015 (UTC)

Please ask yourself before hitting the post button

  1. Dose this have a cultural or historical relavance to boylove?
  2. By posting this are you going to make Etenne lose sleep?

To all BoyWiki users:Naming

The convention for naming pages is that articles should be singular whereas categories should be plural.

  • Names of topics and topic categories should be singular, normally corresponding to the name of a BoyWiki. article. Examples: "Law" (which represents a body of knowledge), "France", "George W. Bush".
  • Names of set categories should be plural. Examples: "Writers", "Villages in Poland".

However, I am willing to hear counter arguments to this practice or suggestions before deciding what the policy should be --Etenne (talk) 13:17, 25 March 2015 (UTC)

Just yesterday I noticed that Wikipedia has categories with a singular title, e.g. wikipedia:Category:Vagina. Also, there are some plural article titles, e.g.wikipedia:Jews. Lysander (talk) 15:13, 25 March 2015 (UTC)
You can't figure out what those two (obvious, at least, to me) errors are due to? Uh... You certainly make up in glibness what you lack in perspicacity. User4 (talk) 02:37, 26 March 2015 (UTC)
Enlighten me. Lysander (talk) 03:16, 26 March 2015 (UTC)
Hey! You didn't enlighten me about what those two errors are due to. Lysander (talk) 04:10, 28 March 2015 (UTC)

Welcome back

I was glad to read your message on BoyChat and to see you're back. Then I thought: is there any hope left that the French BoyWiki will survive? :-/

Bron disappeared, I don't know when, why nor where. So did the French tech Pinocchio, which is a great loss. Some rare contributors obstinately continued creating pages on the French wiki between 2015 and 2019. But now I think they are disheartened because of the recent and sudden software change, that ruined all the formatting we had made on a lot of pages (thanks to Pinocchio's coding extensions).

Now it seems that the Council's page doesn't work anymore -- or am I wrong?

If you can be of some help, I'd like to write more to you through a secure mailbox.

Caprineus (talk) 21:28, 13 June 2021 (UTC)

I categorized all the daily pages of the French Agora, from December 7, 2008 to July 9, 2014 (most of them were difficult to find before this categorization): Agora
Now everybody can see the really tough job that had been made by many contributors of the French BoyWiki, especially by the tech Pinocchio. It is not acceptable that such a job is destroyed after every update or server change, as exposed here: Modifications intempestives (written more than eight months ago – nobody even bothered to answer).
But do French-speaking writings matter?... :-/
Caprineus (talk) 13:55, 19 June 2021 (UTC)
"But do French-speaking writings matter?" Well, I suppose that depends on who you ask. I would hope they matter to other French-speaking people and writers. I still don't have e-mail yet. Yeah, the upgrades do mess things up a bit but there is no way around that.
Thank you for answering.
The true problem is: when Wikipedia runs an update of MediaWiki, all features already installed are kept and perform correctly; but when BoyWiki is updated, almost all features created by a tech are suppressed. Why?
This is not "messing things up a bit", but destroying things a lot. :-( As I said before, when contributors see this, they are disheartened.
I hope you can contact somebody who steps in on this wrong update process. As for me, I know nobody, and can do nothing: my only competence is to write about cultural boy-love topics. If "there is no way around" to keep my job in a good state and appearance, well... I will finally recognize that I was wrong to spend so much time and energy for it. :-(((
Caprineus (talk) 22:48, 20 June 2021 (UTC)

Messages from Eskimo

Hello Etenne

I will be posting under this header any message I have for your consideration, I will delete old messages to make it more readable.

--Eskimo (talk) 12:48, 27 October 2022 (UTC)

yes you were absolutely right, that worked. Now, any guesses on getting Extension:TimedMediaHandler to work?

Etenne 20:32, 20 June 2022 (UTC)

Hello Etenne

Regarding getting Extension:TimedMediaHandler to work, can you post an example page or description of what the problem is? I can spend sometime on the Internet trying to track it down and report back if I find anything replicated.

--Eskimo (talk) 13:35, 10 August 2022 (UTC)


Hi Etenne, I am happy that you are happy with my work! I know that I can put pages into categories!
