
YoungCity provides a safe, supportive, and legal environment where boylovers, girllovers, and others interested in childlove can share thoughts, opinions, feelings, and experiences. Its forums are online meeting places where questions, advice, and debate take place freely in an atmosphere of comfort and mutual respect, and where educational material and information about boylove can be shared.[1]
The early days
Young City opened to posters on February 28, 2010. It was founded by Tabris, with technical help from the BLn member formerly known as "Maxy".
The original group of members were made up of people made "homeless" due to the demise of BLn in November 2009. These people were able to keep in touch with one another during Young City's development thanks to a temporary board, "Tabbykins", which was hastily and heroically set up by Tabris shortly afterward. It was members of this board, BLn refugees all, that comprised the original membership of YoungCity. This is why that, despite the official mission that this be a childlove board, the majority of the membership are BLs.