WEIRD Radio provides streaming music and live broadcasts sixteen times a week. Weird Radio plays a wide variety of music and their first broadcast was in early October 2015. They do at least 16 live Shows a week. Weird Radio endeavors to support young singers who are working so hard to break through to the main stream. The DJ's play all sorts of music from Rock to Classical. Weird Radio is a 24X7 station with 5 regular Djs and several guest Djs. Everyday there is at least one live interactive show, which sometimes also features interviews with famous authors and other people of interest discussing issues facing each of us. The URL is http://eirdigital.com/

Legend of WEIRD Radio's creation
Kermie and Johnny Lonewolf spent a day in the Arizona desert fighting off wild man eating rabbits. The rabbits kept trying to attack the guys rear ends. (Always a bad thing to get a wild hare up your butt) They celebrated around a campfire that night when Johnny stood up screaming that a rattle snake had bit him on the butt and begged Kermie to suck out the poison. Kermie said fine if you help me make a BL Radio station. Johnny said sure. Kermie said well it wasn't a snake Johnny you sat down on a cactus.
They both laughed and the next day they made WEIRD.
PS the next day the snake died

Site link: http://eirdigital.com/
Show Times All Times are EST US and GMT.
12 PM EST – 5PM GMT – Guest DJs
6 PM EST DJ Dragonlover Dragons Den Metal Mondays
8 PM EST DJ Scorpion – Scorpions Sound Point
12 PM EST DJ ZoomZoom
6 PM EST DJ Lonewolf A Look Back in Time
12 PM EST – 5PM GMT – Guest DJs
6 PM EST DJ Dragonlover Dragons Den Classic Rock
8 PM EST DJ Scorpion – Scorpions Soundpoint
6 PM EST – 11PM GMT – DJ LtDreamer
6 PM EST – 11PM GMT – DJ Dragonlover Psychedelic Friday Dragons Den
6 PM EST – 11PM GMT – DJ Gorf
8 PM EST – 1AM GMT – DJ Scorpion
1 PM EST – 6PM GMT – DJ Scorpion – Scorpions Sound Point
6 PM EST – 11PM GMT – Guest DJs Sunday
Etenne's interview on WEIRD Radio about BoyWiki
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Etenne's interview from WEIRD Radio about BoyWiki from March 26, 2016
(NOTE: If your browser configuration does not allow loading of the BoyWiki media player, then the interview is also available for immediate listening and/or download from anonfiles.com. An archived copy is also available at archive.org.
420guy's interview on WEIRD Radio about Modern Boylover Magazine
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420guy's interview from WEIRD Radio about
Modern Boylover Magazine from April 2, 2016
(NOTE: If your browser configuration does not allow loading of the BoyWiki media player, then the interview is also available for immediate listening and/or download from anonfiles.com
Security concerns and answers
Note to security-conscious BoyLovers: One of the Weird radio players will not function correctly if you use the tor browser bundle FireFox browser, with javascript disabled. However they do have two players on their site, one works with javascript and the other without (http://eirdigital.com:8008/stream.mp3). They also use a Safemail account for email but WEIRD Radio also has a place on the same page to leave a message (http://eirdigital.com/?page_id=101).