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 A Christmas Boylove Story

by JimBob

   "Alexander's Choice" is a novel set at Eton College in 1983-4 by Edmund Marlowe, an old boy of the school, as his début work. It tells of the love affair of Alexander Aylmer, a new boy at the school aged 13-14 and Damian Cavendish, a new, young English master. Sweet-natured and good-looking, thirteen-year-old aristocrat Alexander Aylmer goes to prestigious Eton College in September 1983 full of optimism. He soon discovers new friends, interesting teachers and the hopes and frustrations that arrive with puberty.

You Can Be A King If You Are Brave
by Peter Thomas Wolfe published in 2023. Peter T Wolfe is an independent author. This is his premier novel which has been described as, "a perplexing one that raises challenging issues about intergenerational relationships.

December 19, 2015

   International Boylove Day - commonly referred to as IBLD, is celebrated by many boylovers in the online boylove community. The celebrations began with participants from Free Spirits and SafeHaven. It is a day for boylovers to come together in solidarity, to remind each other of our good and loving natures, and a day for remembrance.

 A Christmas Boylove Story
by JimBob

  Halloween, October 31st, is a day in which candy is traditionally handed out to children. Halloween in recent years has become more of an adult oriented, secular celebration, which has been extensively embraced by the gay community. In 2010, Americans spent an estimated $800 million on costumes for children and $1 billion on costumes for adults.

   The Little League World Series (often abbreviated as LLWS) is a youth baseball championship which is held every August in Williamsport, PA. The LLWS includes representatives from nearly every part of the globe, although rule changes implemented in the mid-1990s ensure that one US team always plays in the championship game.