Reading list category literature
From BoyWiki
Adair, Gilbert, The Real Tadzio, London, 2001, Andersson, Karl, Gay Man’s Worst Friend – the Story of Destroyer Magazine & its Appendix, Berlin, 2011,
- Andrews, W.A. & Mehmet Kalpakli, The Age of Beloveds, 2005,
- Birkin, Andrew, J.M. Barrie & the Lost Boys, London, 1979,
- Bridcut, John, Britten’s Children, London, 2006,
- Brongersma, Edward, Loving Boys, 2 vols., New York, 1986,
- Burg, Barry Ric., Boys at Sea, 2007,
- Calimach, Andrew, Lovers' Legends: The Gay Greek Myths, New York, 2002,
- Cantarella, Eva, Bisexuality in the Ancient World, Yale, 1992,
- D’Arch Smith, Timothy, Love in Earnest: Some Notes on the Lives and Writings of the English “Uranian” Poets, 1970,
- Darling, J., It’s Okay to Say Yes, Acolyte Press, Amsterdam, pb., 1992,
- Davidson, Michael, The World, the Flesh and Myself, GMP pb. edition, 1985
- Davidson, Michael, Some Boys, 1st American edition, New York, 1971
- Dover, Kenneth, Greek Homosexuality, Harvard, 1978,
- Drew, D. & J. Drake, Boys for Sale, New York, 1969,
- Edson, Jay writing as J.H., These Were My Realities, pb., USA, 2006,
- Eglinton, J.Z., Greek Love, London, 1971,
- Engel, Randy, The Rite of Sodomy, 2011
- Gamble, Peter, The More We Are Together, Stamford, 1993,
- Geraci, Joseph, Dares to Speak, Swaffham, 1977,
- Greer, Germaine, The Beautiful Boy, New York, 2003,
- Hickson, Alisdare, The Poisoned Bowl. Sex and the public school, London, 1996,
- Holloway, Mark, Norman Douglas: a biography, 1976,
- Holstrom, John, The Moving Picture Boy, 1996
- Hubbard, Thomas K., Homosexuality in Greece and Rome, California, 2003,
- Hyam, Ronald, Empire and Sexuality: The British Experience, Manchester, 1990,
- Hyam, Ronald, Understanding the British Empire, 2010,
- Kaylor, Michael Matthew, Secreted Desires, Brno, 2006
- Kennedy, Hubert, Anarchist of Love- The Secret Life of John Henry Mackay, San Francisco, 2002.
- Kiermeier-Debre, Joseph & F.F.Vogel, Wilhelm von Gloeden – auch ich in Arkadien, 2007,
- Kincaid, James R., Child-Loving, London, 1992, pb,
- Lambert, Royston, Beloved and God. The Story of Hadrian and Antinous, orig. London, 1984, pb. 1997,
- Lear, Andrew & Eva Cantarella, Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty. Boys were their Gods, New York, 2008,
- Lees-Milne, James, The Enigmatic Edwardian, 1986,
- Levine, Judith, Harmful to Minors,
- Lort, Don, Coming of Age. Movie & Video Guide, 1997
- Maccarthy, Byron, Life and Legend
- Marongiu, Marcella, Il Mito di Ganimede, Florence, 2002,
- Maugham, Robin, Escape from the Shadows, 1972,
- McKenna, Neil, The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde: An Intimate Biography, 2003,
- Moody, Roger, Indecent Assault, London, 1980, pb.
- Mowl, Timothy, William Beckford. Composing for Mozart, Londo, 1998,
- O’Carroll, Thomas V. writing as Carl Toms, Michael Jackson’s Dangerous Liaisons, 2010,
- O’Carroll, Thomas V., Paedophilia, The Radical Case, London, 1980,
- Orton, Joe, The Orton Diaries, 304 pp., Methuen, 1987,
- Percy, William Armstrong, Pederasty and Pedagogy in Archaic Greece, 1996,
- Puterbaugh, Geoff, The Crucifixion of Hyacinth, USA, 2000.
- Rawson, Richard, The Paggers Papers, Acolyte, 1993, pb.
- Rivas, T., Positive Memories, 2013. .
- Robb, Loren, Kolya, New York, pb., 2007,
- Robinson, Jack, Teardrops on my Drum, Swaffham, 1986, pb.,
- Rocke, Michael, Forbidden Friendships. Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence, Oxford, 1996,
- Rolfe, Frederick, The Venice Letters, London, 1987,
- Rossman, Parker, Sexual Experience between Men and Boys, London, 1979,
- Scoble, Robert , Raven. The Turbulent World of Baron Corvo, London, 2013,
- Vanggaard, Thorkil, Phallós. A Symbol and its History in the Male World, orig. 1969, trans. from Danish 1972,
- Warren, Edw. Perry, writing as Arthur Lyon Raile, A Defence of Uranian Love, new edn., Kansas, 2009,
- Williams, Craig A., Roman Homosexuality, 2nd edn., pb. only, OUP, 2010.
- Destroyer 1-10, Prague & Berlin, May 2006-Feb. 2010,
- International Journal of Greek Love, 2 vols, New York, 1960s
- Paidika
- Pan 1-21, Amsterdam, 1979-85