Template:News/Recently added

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Revision as of 13:29, 14 September 2021 by Etenne (talk | contribs)

In the last 14 days

A new piece of federal legislation (HR 5150), if passed and signed into law, would expand the reach of the International Megan’s Law (IML). The new legislation was introduced by the original author of the IML, Rep. Chris Smith (Republican, NJ), as well as Rep. Karen Bass (Democrat, CA)
(ACSOL, US, September 13, 2021 )
An 11-year-old boy in Colorado was murdered by his (heterosexual) stepmother in his bedroom before she stuffed his body in a suitcase, drove to Florida and threw the case off a bridge, a court has been told.
(Harriet Alexander and Rachel Sharp, Daily Mail, US, September 11, 2021)
Judge Jonathan Newell was about to be arrested following accusations he’d planted a hidden camera that captured naked images of young boys in his bathroom.
(Zoe Richards, Daily Beast, US, September 10, 2021)
Apple said Friday it plans to delay its "Expanded Protections for Children" iOS update that was announced last month after the company encountered negative feedback over privacy concerns.
( Abbianca Makoni, Newsweek, US, Sep. 3, 2021)
A gay teenager who is just 14-years-old was punched and “stamped on the head” by a gang in St Helens, England, stoking further fear over an uptick of anti-LGBT+ violence in the area.
( Josh Milton, Pink News, UK, Sep. 1, 2021)