Letter from a (12-year-old) Boy

From BoyWiki


I just wanted to write you a letter to tell you that I think this stuff about pedophiles is really stupid. I mean, I know there are some bad people out there that might hurt somebody, but I don't think most people are like that.

I am 12 years old. I get good grades in school, and I do a lot of sports. I'm really good in swimming. I also have a man who loves me a whole lot. My dad died when I was just a kid, and Terry has been like a dad to me. Really, he's more than a dad. I guess you can say he's my lover. I know that sounds strange, but that's what I feel.

We do everything together. We go places all the time and he always buys me clothes and stuff. He helps me with my homework, and put some money in the bank so I can go to college some day. My mom does not have very much money, and she likes it that Terry does these things.

We also have sex together. Not all the time, just when I want to. He says I have to get bigger before we can do some stuff that I want, but that's OK, cause I know he just does not want to hurt me. Most the time, I just sit on his lap when we watch TV or something, and he touches me, and kisses me. I touch him too. Sometimes we do oral sex, or give massages.

I think all the laws are bullshit about not having sex with boys. Sorry, Terry does not like it when I say bullshit, but that's how I feel. If somebody wants to have sex, or do other stuff, they should be able to. And it's nobody's business.

I hope someday it will be OK to go places and I can kiss him in front of everybody!

That's all I have to say. Just tell people to let me love who I want to, and Fuck Off! (sorry)

From a Man-Lover,


  1. These are the thoughts of a 12-year-old boy, which were originally found on the now-defunct fpc.net user pages.