NAMBLA Bulletin
The NAMBLA Bulletin is a magazine published by NAMBLA continuously since 1980. Along with OK Magazine in the Netherlands, it is the oldest magazine for boylovers still in print.
NAMBLA Bulletin (subtitled "Voice of the North American Man / Boy Love Association"), started out, much like most magazines for boylovers, as an eight-to-twelve-page newsletter printed in black and white and developed into a full color glossy magazine of about 20 pages.
The magazine is edited by the "Bulletin collective" which operates autonomously, by consensus, with only general policy determined by NAMBLA's Steering Committee. It publishes ten issues per year and its ISSN number is 9100-2624.
Each issue contains news, fiction, feature articles, pictures, reviews of films, recordings and books, and a regular column of letters from boys and boy-lovers.