User:Lysander/Epic post

From BoyWiki

Does child pornography exhibit properties of quantum entanglement?

According to "several professors", it seem it does.

Several professors of psychology state that memories of child abuse are maintained as long as visual records exist, are accessed, and are "exploited perversely." The children portrayed in child pornography are first victimized when their abuse is perpetrated and recorded. They are further victimized each time that record is accessed.

Orly. So, children, meaning minors, who take pictures of themselves are victimizing themselves, and every time their explicit images are viewed, they are further.

Can one exctract energy from this mysterious effect of remote victimization?

For example, could one post a picture of a childs butt, send it all over the internett, and hook the child up to some kind of generator?

Or maybe just viewing images has no victimization effect whatsoever, and whoever posted that tripe is such a completely idiotic social justice warrior retard, that there ought to be a law against it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Pheidis (talkcontribs) 09:41, 22 February 2015 (UTC)